
Know more about Jorge, TL Logistics


My name is Jorge Santana and I'm CC Team Leader Logistics for the ILC 2011 in Puerto Rico. In the following paragraphs I will be sharing with you a little about myself, and my experience working with AIESEC and the ILC. As for the present, I'm studying Marketing with hopes of beginning a Masters in Sports Management when i finish my degree. As an AIESECer I'm part of the Rio Piedras Local Committee in Puerto Rico and before I took on my leadership role as a CC Team Member, I was part of the Communication team. In my free time (which is not much, as you AIESECers should now) I like to watch sports specially basketball and soccer.

Regarding my CC experience so far; I would have to give some credit to my team that has made this experience so much fun and enjoyable for me. I'm  currently working with a great group of people that I love being around and we collaborate well together while enjoying the company of each other, which makes even the smallest tasks a fun activity. Being on the CC has been a great experience so far, I must admit it has been full of challenges but also with achievements. I've been learning so much about myself and I’ve developed immensely in a workplace environment. This leadership role in AIESEC has let me expand myself and achieve things I once believed I was not capable of. I have met people from so many different cultures and realized there's so much more to explore out of my little island. Consequently, this has awakened my interest in traveling the world and learning about their cultures. The best thing about this experience so far is that I know that wherever I go in the world, there will be an AIESECer welcoming me.

To all of you reading this, I hope to see you all in my beloved island, Puerto Rico from March 18 to the 24 in the event that promises to be the last and the best ILC AIESEC has ever seen. I hope you come with all your great ideas and enthusiasm and help us to make this the best experience ever. I'm counting on you and waiting here with open arms and a big smile to give you the experience of your life. I'll be meeting you soon, here in the IBEROAMERICAN LEADERSHIP CONGRESS 2011 in PUERTO RICO!


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